Monday, March 15, 2010

Health Care: The Bishops Speak Out

As the health care debate enters yet another climactic chapter, individual U.S. Bishops are speaking out pretty extensively. Rather than go on and on about what they're saying, it's best just to let them speak for themselves.

Here's Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York: Keeping Health Care Universal

Here's Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver: Catholics, Health Care and the Senate's Bad Bill

Bishop Paul Loverde of Arlington made today a day of prayer and fasting for health care.

This dates back to January, but here's Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence: Not Even a Penny for Abortion

This dates back to November but is still worth the read, Bishop Fran Malooly of Wilmington: Statement on Health Care Reform

We'll keep posting these as we find them online. And of course the bishops who chair the different USCCB committees overseeing health care reform still have plenty to say. Till then ...

UPDATE: Many thanks to the reader who sent the link to the October statement from the bishops of Texas: Health Care Must Place Poor, Vulnerable First


  1. If you want to go back to October, don't forget the Texas Bishops also issued a joint statement: Don't forget the Texas Bishops' statement!

  2. Bishop Lynch has spoken, too. What are the qualifications for bishops getting their comments added to this list?

  3. Don't forget Bishop Thomas Wenski's piece: "No health care legislation is better than bad health care legislation."
