Thursday, December 9, 2010

Los Angeles on the DREAM Act



December 8, 2010

Cardinal Roger Mahony

Archbishop of Los Angeles

Archbishop José Gomez

Coadjutor Archbishop of Los Angeles

Tonight’s vote in the House of Representatives of 216 to 198 in favor of passage of the DREAM Act is a victory for the great American spirit of welcome to immigrants who come here to improve the quality of American life and to contribute to building up the greatness of America.

The young men and women who will benefit from the passage of the DREAM Act have not intentionally broken any laws. They were brought here by others when they were minors. The only country they know and love is the United States. Their only interest is in becoming a vital part of our great nation and to help improve our country over the coming years.

Thousands of young men and women have truly earned their way towards legal residency in the United States, and they stand as beacons of hope and of greatness for our country. Their only goal is to give, to contribute, to the betterment of our communities and our society. They are not here “to take” but “to give” to our country.

We now urge the U.S. Senate to pass the DREAM Act and to send it to President Barack Obama for final signature.

What is so significant about the passage of the DREAM Act in the House is the recognition of the values, commitment, and talents of our younger immigrants who only want to see the United States become even greater.

We are grateful to everyone who has helped to put a human face upon our young immigrants, and who have helped all of us realize that the deep aspirations, yearnings, and talents of our immigrants make our country stronger and greater in the world.

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