Wednesday, April 4, 2012

In Their Own Words

Hat tip to Denis Grasska, Assistant Editor of ‘The Southern Cross,’ the newspaper of the Diocese of San Diego, where these accounts were first published, for sharing these with us.

At this year’s Easter Vigil, about 370 catechumens and 860 candidates will enter the Catholic Church in the Diocese of San Diego. What inspired them to begin the RCIA process? How has that process benefited them? What are their feelings as they prepare for one of the major milestones in their lives? The following are the reflections and comments of just a few of San Diego’s catechumens and candidates.

Jeanette Lopatka
San Rafael Parish, Rancho Bernardo
I am excited and proud to be a part of a faith that has had such a rich tradition and long history. I feel that one of the best ways for me to be an exemplary Catholic is to have joy. … As my faith has deepened each day, so has my joy. As a former teacher, I found the best way to teach was to lead by example. I want someone who doesn’t know God to look at me and say, “How can I be as joyful as she?” … I am hopeful to continue to grow as a Catholic and, in the words, of St. Francis, “Preach the Gospel, using words only when necessary.”

Robert Richards
St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, Carlsbad
To me, being a member of the Body of Christ means that Jesus Christ is my Savior and I have the hope for eternal life. To be a member of the Roman Catholic Church is important to me, since I believe attending Mass gives me a more holy experience and I believe my relationship with Jesus will grow better for my being a member of the Church. Once a member, I would like to participate in Church activities.

Annette Cook
Mater Dei Parish, Chula Vista
My family has been a part of the Church, and I had also attended as a kid. I felt that becoming an official part of the Church would bring me closer to my faith. I feel that I have a greater understanding of the Church now and that I am more prepared to accept the gift of full communion with the Church. Taking this journey has made me feel a greater connection to my faith.

Tracy Lunn
St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, Carlsbad
I feel that it is a huge responsibility to be a member of the Body of Christ, and I am ready to take it on. I feel that my whole family will eventually be part of the same process, and I am ecstatic that I am becoming a member of the Roman Catholic Church, the true Church of Jesus. I am joyful about my faith and I want to share it with everyone.

Harley Jacques
San Rafael Parish, Rancho Bernardo
My wife attended RCIA last year and was so excited after every function that we would discuss her experiences after every meeting or church event. … After she received the sacraments of initiation, I began regularly attending Mass with her and found I wanted to gain the serenity she was beginning to exhibit in all things. Since beginning RCIA, I have found the Catholic Church – and San Rafael Parish in particular – to be caring and friendly in a warm, family way.

Amelia Cox
St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, Carlsbad
The most challenging thing for me has been understanding the Church's stance on abortion. I always believed that it was a woman's choice, but now I realize that it is really God's choice. His plan for us is much more significant than any we make for ourselves.

Andrea O’Hara
San Rafael Parish, Rancho Bernardo
I was married in the Catholic Church to a wonderful man who is a cradle Catholic. Even though my family and his family are Catholics, I never felt the need to become a Catholic. However, as I become older and wiser, I realize that the challenges and accomplishments I have faced in my life were not by chance but were presented to me by the Lord. Being a mother and a wife gives me a greater purpose to lead a life filled with kindness, patience, honesty, responsibility and love. These character traits are hard to maintain by oneself, so I now look to my God and to my parish to help me lead the life that I was born to live.

Jewel Williams
St. Elizabeth Seton Parish, Carlsbad
I believe I have become closer to God, and I am beginning to live my life the way He wants me to live. I feel there is more peace and understanding with my family since my relationship with God has gotten stronger. … During times of temptation or confusion, I have learned to take a minute to pray for what is best for me to do. For me, acceptance into the Body of Christ means eternal love from God. To be a member of the Church is life for me. It gives me hope, understanding and love.

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