Thursday, January 24, 2013

Five Things To Remember On Jan. 24

1. In Pope Benedict XVI's statement for World Communications Day 2013, he says, "In our effort to make the Gospel present in the digital world, we can invite people to come together for prayer or liturgical celebrations in specific places such as churches and chapels. There should be no lack of coherence or unity in the expression of our faith and witness to the Gospel in whatever reality we are called to live, whether physical or digital. When we are present to others, in any way at all, we are called to make known the love of God to the furthest ends of the earth."

You can join the conversation at our English and Spanish Facebook pages, our English and Spanish Twitter accounts. You can see our latest videos on YouTube page as well.

2. In continuing our Pro-Life series this week, author Mary DeTurris Poust wrote a great blog about raising children in a culture that permits abortion. She writes, "Up until now they've assumed--probably because they spend so much time in Catholic circles where people are mostly pro-life--that their view, our view is "normal" or popular, and I've had to tell them quite bluntly, especially as they begin to spread their wings and voice opinions in public, that they face an uphill battle, that they will be made to feel they are ignorant or intolerant or hateful because they believe a life that begins at conception should be protected and nurtured from that point until natural death."

3. It's the Week of Christian Unity. In this Fr. John Crossin, OSFS, Executive Director of the Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs for the USCCB offers an audio podcast reflection on building bonds with people of other faiths.

4. The Texas Catholic Herald News highlights this weekend's collection for the Collection for the Church in Latin America in a story. As the article points out, "The people of Latin America are often characterized by their warm, humble and passionate hearts. However, economic hardship, poverty and violence are frequently major obstacles in their daily lives, and in the work of the Church.

Funds from the collection seek to help people overcome these challenges and enables projects focused on evangelization."

5. God loves you.

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