Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Five Things to Know July 31

1. During the summer recess, justice folks are promoting action to urge Representative and Senators to support SNAP (food stamps), pass bi-partisan immigration reform, and support a budget that helps people struggling in this economy.

2. Brooklyn Auxiliary Bishop Frank Caggiano was named bishop of Bridgeport, Connecticut. He succeeds Archbishop Willim Lori of Baltimore, who was named to the Baltimore archdiocese in March 2012.

3. Pope Francis today announced the first World Day of Peace message of his pontificate: "Fraternity, the foundation and pathway to peace."

4. Catholic News Service film reviewer John Mulderig offers a list of ten films that provide insight into faith. They include "Andrei Rublev," "Babette's Feast," "Brother Orchid," "The Fugitive, "Henry Poole Is Here,""Lilies of the Field," "The Miracle of Marcelino," "Ordet," "Three Godfathers," and "Wise Blood" 

5. God Loves you.



1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for mentioning the snap cuts, this is a HUGE issue and Catholics need to stand up and tell congress that feeding the hungry is of first importance
