Monday, August 31, 2015

Five Things To Remember On Aug. 31

1. Tomorrow is World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. This video on “Care for God’s Creation” is the first of a seven-part series on Catholic Social Teaching, designed to be an introduction to this body of thought with notable Catholics reflecting on each of the teachings. The video release comes in conjunction with Pope Francis’ declaration of September 1 as a day of prayer for creation. The video series is co-sponsored by Catholic Relief Services and the Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development of the USCCB.

2. The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace has published a proposal to encourage the faithful to organize in their particular Churches an hour of Eucharistic Adoration on the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation tomorrow. The proposal, which opens with a 5-minute audio-visual welcome, is offered on the Dicastery’s website,, under the special section dedicated to the Laudato Si’ . It is available for download in English.

3. interviewed USCCB President Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, who can't wait to welcome Pope Francis to the United States in September.

4. We're excited about Pope Francis' visit to the U.S., as you can see by our countdown clock on

5. God loves you.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Five Things To Remember On Aug. 27

1. Indianapolis' Criterion speaks with Chaldean Catholic Archbishop Bashar Warda of Irbil, Iraq, who offers vivid insight into Christian persecution by the Islamic State.

2. During the Washington leg of his trip, Pope Francis will canonize Junipero Serra as a saint. Learn about Serra's life.

3. Get Catechetical Resources for Pope Francis' 2015 Apostolic Journey to the U.S.

4. Catholic News Service looks at the life of new American seminarians living in Rome.

5. God loves you.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Five Things To Remember On Aug. 26

1. There are 27 days until Pope Francis arrives in the United States. Be sure to get official news on the pope's visit at

2. Read Bishop Oscar Cantú's letter to Secretary of State Kerry protesting the confiscation of land in the Cremisan Valley. Earlier this year, we blogged about reasons for optimism in the region and Bishop Cantú's continued opposition to construction.

3. Today is the 37th anniversary of the election of John Paul I, the smiling “September pope” whose brief pontificate lasted 34 days.

4. Pope Francis said if people love God, they need to make time to pray to him.

5. God loves you.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Five Things To Remember On Aug. 24

1. Creating sufficient, decent work that honors the dignity of families is a necessary component of the challenge facing all Catholics, and it is the Catholic way, said the chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development. Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami cited the importance of work in supporting families in the 2015 Labor Day statement, which drew on Pope Francis’ June encyclical on ecology, Laudato Si’.

2. View Catholic labor and employment resources at

3. In less than a month, Pope Francis will visit the United States. See his official itinerary and see all the resources available for the media.

4. When he's in Washington, the pope will visit with homeless people being served at a Catholic Charities outreach.

5. God loves you.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Five Things To Remember On Aug. 11

1. Pope Francis' message for the World Peace Day aims to overcome indifference.

2. The pope will canonize Blessed Junipero Serra during the D.C. portion of his visit to the U.S. Learn more about the life of this soon-to-be saint.

3. Did you know that audio versions of the daily Bible readings are available on

4. Philadelphia residents are doing their part to welcome World Meeting of Families by opening homes to visitors during the international summit.

5. God loves you.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Five Things To Remember On Aug. 6

1. Pope Francis will visit a prison during his apostolic journey to the United States. Here's a Catholic News Service look inside the life of prison ministry.

2. Have you heard about Discover great social teaching resources today through this USCCB effort.

3. The Washington Post looks at the upcoming papal visit and how its the third time a Pope will stop at The Catholic University of America in 36 years.

4. A year after Iraqis fled to Jordan seeking asylum, Pope Francis has written a letter about Christian martyrs in the Middle East, saying, "Many times have I wanted to give voice to the unspeakable, inhuman and inexplicable persecution of those who in many parts of the world — especially among Christians — are victims of fanaticism an intolerance, often under the eyes and in the silence of everyone."

5. God loves you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Five Things To Remember On Aug. 5

1. In case you missed it, Boston's Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, who chairs of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, has spoken twice in the last week about recent videos on Planned Parenthood, saying the organization reflects the throwaway cultured decried by Pope Francis and needs to be federally defunded.

2. Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York will succeed Cardinal O'Malley as chair of the Pro-Life Activities committee this November. He writes today about those Planned Parenthood videos as well and about the humanity of those children who were aborted.

3. Addressing the videos, Archbishop Blase Cupich of Chicago wrote in an Chicago Tribune op-ed that in a culture where so much good is done through crowdfunding, petitions, people should be able to mobilize to speak for dignity of human life.

4. For those people suffering from post-abortive trauma, here is a map of Project Rachel outreaches in your area to assist you.

5. God loves you.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Five Things To Remember On Aug. 4

1. “A new national standard to reduce carbon pollution from existing power plants is an important step forward to protect the health of all people, especially children, the elderly, and poor and vulnerable communities, from harmful pollution and the impacts of climate change,” said Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami, in response to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) announcement of a new final rule limiting carbon pollution, August 3.

2. Catholic News Service talked to Ken Hackett, U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, about his expectations for Pope Francis' visit here next month.

3. If recent news coverage has caused anyone to experience revived trauma from their own involvement in abortion, be assured that any and all persons will be welcomed with compassion and assistance through the Church’s post-abortion healing ministry, Project Rachel. If you or someone you know would like confidential, nonjudgmental help, please visit

4. In less than a year, Pope Francis will lead World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland. We're counting down the days at the USCCB. Follow for more.

5. God loves you. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

Five Things To Remember On August 3

1. Federal funds should be reallocated so women can obtain their health care from providers that do not promote abortion, Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, archbishop of Boston, said in an August 3 letter to the U.S. Senate. Cardinal O’Malley, who chairs the Committee on Pro-Life Activities of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, urged support for S. 1881, which would withhold federal funds from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates.

His full letter can also be read here.

2. Last week, Cardinal O'Malley said the organization was part of the throwaway culture decried by Pope Francis.

3. Pope Francis said people should not be ashamed or scared to go to Confession Sunday.

4. Pope Francis arrives in the United States in just 50 days. Get ready by looking at his schedule for the week.

5. God loves you.