Thursday, January 31, 2013

Five Things To Remember On Jan. 31

1. The USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development has endorsed the principles of a national campaign to end the practice of sentencing people under the age of 18 to life in prison without the possibility of parole. "While there is no question that violent and dangerous youth need to be confined for their safety and that of society, the USCCB does not support provisions that treat children as though they are equal to adults in their moral and cognitive development," said Bishop Stephen E. Blaire of Stockton, California, chairman of the committee. "Life sentences without parole eliminate the opportunity for rehabilitation or second chances."

2. Everyone's talking about the Super Bowl this week.  USSCB Social Media Specialist Matt Palmer used to cover the Ravens. He blogs about how Catholic education prepared him for the NFL and working in the Catholic Church.

3. One of the major problems facing cities that host Super Bowls is human trafficking. Archbishop Gregory Aymond of New Orleans is taking a lead role in addressing the problem this week. In a new public service announcement, he says, "Human trafficking really is a modern day slavery and it is a power evil."

Watch the PSA now:

4.  Sports and God continue to intersect in popular culture. A Public Religion Research Institute study found that "nearly 3-in-10 Americans" think God plays a role in the outcome of a game. New Orleans Saints fans should be thinking they have the inside track every year with a name like that.

5. God loves you.

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